Welcome to the world of my horse and me. The horse lives in a different world and we as humans and horse lovers and owners enter into their world. Because of the unique relationship I would like to see people have a better more positive experience with their horses.
I have been riding most of my life. Only in the past 10 years have I truly understood what it means to be with a horse and not just ride one. I was a rider before then, now I work as a team with a horse.
I have had unique experiences with horses since I have been riding. I have morphed from a little girl flapping around on the top of ponies, desperate to hang on and show no fear. To a new horse owner sharing a horse with my sister and learning together, but again letting others make decisions for me. I avoided hard issues but using the people around me to support me. I worked hard to start a new 2 year old gelding and the learning opportunity was enormous. After an event that serious hurt my young 2 year old paint, I woke up and I became highly motivated to learn more and trust myself more.
Now I have a new 3 year old that I am starting with all new experiences. I am bringing to the table my history and learning experiences, good and bad, and a team around me that all have the same goal…to have an excellent positive training and relationship with Tinker.
Remember I am an animal chiropractor and look at horses in a different way. I ride many disciplines so ultimately I ride a ‘horse’. On my travels for my profession I get asked so many questions about horses and their care. I see many barns and training techniques. I don’t know it all but I always have a sense people are swimming in mud trying to do the best for their horse, children, themselves etc. I would like to offer information about how I am training and caring for my horse. You will see that you are not alone in your joy and frustration. I too, with all my experience, still struggle to co-exist with horses in my life. Even if you pick up some small piece of information that helps you or steers you towards a better relationship with your horse, then my job is done.
With this I thought about sharing some of my experiences with you. Remember my horse is not your horse. I don’t know everything about horses. I am constantly learning. I am not expecting people to do exactly what I do. Instead, take the information and combine it with your experiences and perhaps blend it to make a better positive experience in your life with your horse. It up to you!